Anna Liwanag

Anne Marine


Christine Marie Kotlark

Ellie Milk


July 2013


Making Elements

Max 13

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Hey guys.
This noon I am using PTU Paila here
No tube.
Mask of choice.

open 650 x650 canvas.
paper 13 to your mask.
Size down 70%-90%
open element 10 duplicate it 4 times.
You will position it similar to mine.
element 15,8 & 11
position them similar to mine.
add in your sparkles
and then your element 93
open elements 101.
position them on both sides of pool of water.
then duplicate-flip down and drop opacity down to 35%.
add your name and proper credits.

 photo AM_RosesAmyMarieBlogSig2015_zpsmp48udow.gif

PTU Pink Passion

Hey guys. 
This morning Im working with PTU Pink Passion here
Tube by Fedor at PFD here.
Mask of choice.
Filter Xero-Porcelian -default settings twice. 

Canvas 650x650 
Mask to paper 4. Close it off til the end.
Open frame, click inside . selections-modify-expand 11-invert 
add in close up of tube. delete key on tube layer.
select non.
use filter plugin exero -porcelian on tube=ok -repeat.
elements used are 
39-duplicate. one right side of frame.
2nd one -flip sideways- bottom of frame.

all elements sized down to 70%
add dropshadow

add in your tube.
add your name and proper credits

 photo AM_RosesAmyMarieBlogSig2015_zpsmp48udow.gif
Friday, March 27, 2015

PTU Just Peachy

Hey guys. Tonight I visited an older kit of mine called PTU Just Peachy.
You can find the kit at my store here.
Tube by Verymany at PFD here.

Open a 650 x650 canvas.
Masks of  choice added to paper 11.
Open your frame.size down to 500 in height.
Open tube and flip sideways so she looks like she is standing up. see mine for example.
elements used were 
In order.. bottom layers up
91-duplicated 3 times.
No Drop Shadow.
47 size down 70% duplicated twice. no DS
all elements are sized down to 70%
drop shadow 

add your name and proper credits

 photo AM_RosesAmyMarieBlogSig2015_zpsmp48udow.gif

Facebook Banner Roses

Hey guys. Tonight Im gonna show y'all how I made my FB Banner using
a tag I had made in tut before this one. You can find the PTU Roses Tut here.
Kit Used Was PTU Roses here.
Verymany Tube here.
Penta Jeans Filter used. 

Open canvas -size 850 x 315
Open the tag you made in tutorial before.
open paper 3
Size paper down  to 650
effects-seamless tiling

In materials pallet- click on pattern.
flood fill your canvas.

Place in your tag- see mine.
open the huge shot of your tube.
do not size down.
double click on layer- add  click screen
use filter penta jeans.
I used default settings
add your name and proper copyrights.

 photo AM_RosesAmyMarieBlogSig2015_zpsmp48udow.gif

PTU Roses

Hey guys! Tonight I am using PTU Roses and PU Roses Clusters by Amy.
You have two choices. 1 by the kit and follow me in the tut  or 2. buy the kit and pu clusters 
made- and then just add in the other elements and tube. 

Ok a few things before we start, I dont repeat them in tut so refer back here if you need too.
My drop shadows are always 

Filters used was Glow & Penta Jeans
Mask of choice and tube of choice. 

Verymany tube is here.
Canvas Size is 650x650

Pick a paper- I used paper 3 in kit.
add your mask to it and close it off til the end. 

Frame- 4
Slight rotate to the right.
add your dropshadow.

Open tube- size down too 550 in height. duplicate.
one above the frame one under the frame.
standing on layer TOP TUBE =erase feet etc hanging out of frame. 
close TOP TUBE layer - and do bottom tube layer.
add drop shadow to bottom tube layer.
add drop shadow to TOP TUBE Layer on a layer by itself. erase
parts of the shadow that is showing.

open elements- 5 & 9.
Element 9- under frame duplicate til you have 3 copies.
run it along side frame UNDER
Element 9 -place above frame - see mine for example.
add dropshadow to elements.

Open elements 13 & 83-86 (all roses)
Place them like or similar to mine. 
add drop shadow to each layer.

Open you mask layer.
Standing on frame layer- open magic wand ,click inside of frame.
Selections-modify-expand-by 10
open face of tube only.
place inside ( see mine) delete key.
double click layer-soft light

add the proper copy rights and your name
Matching FB Banner in next tutorial!

 photo AM_RosesAmyMarieBlogSig2015_zpsmp48udow.gif
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beautiful Addie

Tonight I am using a personal photo of my beautiful Addie.
And Cluster Frame 2 of Lillys Easter Clusters by Amy HERE.
You can pick the kit up here.

It has been a long while since I wrote a tut so hang with me.
I still work from bottom up. lol
so with that said. Open you a photo. Size it down to 500 in height.

( you can open cluster pack 2 or  go by this tut and build your own
and add extra elements in if you own the kit) 

open a 650x650 frame.

Open paper 11 and size down to 650. Use a mask of your choice.
Then size your photo down to 500 in height. 
Frame sized down to 500 in height.
then add drop shadow to frame ONLY.
Merge photo and frame.
Do a slight tilt 
Elements Used -from bottom up are.
el 72 -duplicate. one rotate slight
2nd one at the bottom rotate more
add drop shadow
bubble element 39-sized down 70% 3 times.
Duplicated 3 times-No Shadow
elements 53 (2xs) and 52
add your drop shadow
and lastly 75 add your drop shadow.

drop shadow settings I always use are

feel free to add in or  take out more elements if you own the kit  or you can move elements
around if you own just the cluster pack.

Take One

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